... http://t.co/H8Sx9BNv ... http://goo.gl/LXJ2G ... http://t.co/70Ioa86V YOU http://t.co/c8KCRQ6d MUST http://t.co/uRh1dilK LOOK http://t.co/IuFiscbx FOR http://t.co/oojWBJek THE http://t.co/U8OXFroe SiLVER http://t.co/qn3TdTdv LiNiNG http://t.co/KnPw9aM2 i Believe iN You 0BAMA iN 2012 Norma Jean Wright 1978 Album http://t.co/70Ioa86V GOT http://t.co/LoZtP7cp DAMN http://t.co/IuFiscbx RiTE http://t.co/PgYLA9St WE'RE http://shar.es/gc4Y8 GONNA http://t.co/TKwEvWgo FiTE http://t.co/P8gATvMi ... http://t.co/IuFiscbx 0BAMA iN 2012 http://t.co/UqhMaWj4 ...From everyone who has been given much http://t.co/sZ7z83n3 much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked http://t.co/iTkAwhi4 ... http://t.co/YJfrxCHK THE DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHiNG http://t.co/70Ioa86V COMMUNiST REPUBLiCANS http://t.co/sYM2sfyO ALL HAVE COMMiTTED POLiTiCAL SUiCiDE4 2012-THE UNRE-ELECTABLE BiGTiME SUPER LAZY PATHETiC WHiNiNGASS CRYBABY DEMON JOHN http://shar.es/gW38y BOEHNER & THE UNMOTiVATED UNRE-ELECTABLE WELL KNOWN SUPER DASTARDLY WEAK MiNDED SORRYASS QUiTTER & DEMON ERiC CANTOR & THE OLD DUMBASS iT iS DEFiNiTELY TiME 2RETiRE DEMON MiTCH McCONNELL http://goo.gl/Oi4S8 "iNHERiT THE WiND" http://goo.gl/Oi4S8 YOU ARE MOST DEFiNiTELY GOiNG 2BOW DOWN - BELiEVE - YOUR OBSTRUCTiONiSM http://t.co/w85Omcft & DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHiNG LAST DAYS ARE MOST ASSUREDLY NUMBERED & FAST APPROACHiNG - iT iS PERMANENTLY ENGRAVED iN STONE - GOT DAMN RiTE, WE'RE GONNA FiTE http://t.co/IuFiscbx PRESiDENT OBAMA A MAN 0F ALL THE PEOPLE iN 2012 http://t.co/9w7BQ0IA ...
... http://t.co/H8Sx9BNv ... http://goo.gl/LXJ2G ... http://t.co/70Ioa86V YOU http://t.co/c8KCRQ6d MUST http://t.co/uRh1dilK LOOK http://t.co/IuFiscbx FOR http://t.co/oojWBJek THE http://t.co/U8OXFroe SiLVER http://t.co/qn3TdTdv LiNiNG http://t.co/KnPw9aM2 i Believe iN You 0BAMA iN 2012 Norma Jean Wright 1978 Album http://t.co/70Ioa86V GOT http://t.co/LoZtP7cp DAMN http://t.co/IuFiscbx RiTE http://t.co/PgYLA9St WE'RE http://shar.es/gc4Y8 GONNA http://t.co/TKwEvWgo FiTE http://t.co/P8gATvMi ... http://t.co/IuFiscbx 0BAMA iN 2012 http://t.co/UqhMaWj4 ...From everyone who has been given much http://t.co/sZ7z83n3 much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked http://t.co/iTkAwhi4 ... http://t.co/YJfrxCHK THE DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHiNG http://t.co/70Ioa86V COMMUNiST REPUBLiCANS http://t.co/sYM2sfyO ALL HAVE COMMiTTED POLiTiCAL SUiCiDE4 2012-THE UNRE-ELECTABLE BiGTiME SUPER LAZY PATHETiC WHiNiNGASS CRYBABY DEMON JOHN http://shar.es/gW38y BOEHNER & THE UNMOTiVATED UNRE-ELECTABLE WELL KNOWN SUPER DASTARDLY WEAK MiNDED SORRYASS QUiTTER & DEMON ERiC CANTOR & THE OLD DUMBASS iT iS DEFiNiTELY TiME 2RETiRE DEMON MiTCH McCONNELL http://goo.gl/Oi4S8 "iNHERiT THE WiND" http://goo.gl/Oi4S8 YOU ARE MOST DEFiNiTELY GOiNG 2BOW DOWN - BELiEVE - YOUR OBSTRUCTiONiSM http://t.co/w85Omcft & DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHiNG LAST DAYS ARE MOST ASSUREDLY NUMBERED & FAST APPROACHiNG - iT iS PERMANENTLY ENGRAVED iN STONE - GOT DAMN RiTE, WE'RE GONNA FiTE http://t.co/IuFiscbx PRESiDENT OBAMA A MAN 0F ALL THE PEOPLE iN 2012 http://t.co/9w7BQ0IA ...